The Three Faces || 2024

"One face let the world see, the one we reveal to our closest ones, and one we keep hidden from all, these three expressions reflecting our relationship with the world."


Notion Above taken from an old proverb, serves as the inspiration for my heptaptych, binding the seven artworks with an invisible thread of shared human experience, named after a distinct facial expressions.

The collection is constructed from seven main pieces + one open edition released only digitally. Each of the seven main pieces includes one digital artwork NFT and a physically painted piece created by the painting robot by mart.lab. The open edition is a digital artwork NFT minted on Tezos.

At the core of this series are three primary pieces. The first reveals the persona we present to the world — a harmonious blend of our public engagements and collective memories.

The second delves into the tenderness we reserve for our loved ones, unveiling our genuine emotions and vulnerabilities.

The third showcases what we keep hidden, harboring our deepest fears, aspirations, and untold tales. These central pieces not only reflect the multifaceted nature of human identity but also carry fragments of myself, acting as a mirror to both the artist and the viewer.

Supporting these key pieces are four supplementary works, seamlessly connecting to the central theme.

Interestingly, their titles are derived from the expressions the human face can display; fear, contempt, surprise, sadness, happiness, anger and disgust, accompanied with Open Edition piece 'neutral'.

It's a touch of irony since my artwork intentionally avoids showing full faces, hinting at the power of the unsaid and the mystery of the unseen. While each individual piece tempt viewers to explore its own tale, collectively they trace the broad variety of human emotion.

I've designed each work to be both abstract and detailed, ensuring that every angle offers a fresh perspective, all the while preserving a sense of softness and harmony. An intriguing aspect of this collection is its versatility.

Though each artwork can stand alone, a hidden synergy allows them to form larger stories. The pieces are designed such that they can be rearranged — the outer artworks can slide beside the central trio, forming triptychs, showcasing ties between our varied expressions.

For each of collection and pieces I want to think and try something new, re-arrange literally what have been done before, challenge what could be done, while keeping balanced between harmony and play, create an "AHAA" moments in findings.

Imagining these works dispersing across the globe fascinates me. Potentially scattered across distant corners of the world, mirrors the very essence of our emotions and shifting expressions.

Like us, they will traverse varied landscapes, each piece a reflection waiting to be understood by a different observer. While they may spread out and find different homes, there's a lingering mystery: will they ever come together again? Born from a single vision, they now set out on their own distinct paths.

Five of piece available Physical and Digital format. All questions and inquiries trough e-mail.

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